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Internet and Technology

Bringing Ideas to Life: How To Get Your Invention Made

Despite the ceaseless tide of innovation, the world is always hungry for the next big thing. If you have an idea for an invention whirling around in your mind, but aren’t sure how to actualize it, this article is for you. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to get your invention made, including assistance from InventHelp, a reputable invention service company that has helped thousands of inventors in their journey.

Idea and Validation

Before you jump into developing your invention, you have to ensure you’re solving a substantial problem with a unique solution. Do comprehensive market research and brainstorming sessions to:

  • Identify the need your invention addresses
  • Confirm that your idea is original
  • Understand the competitive landscape

Refining Your Idea

Once you’re convinced of your idea’s viability, it’s time to refine and detail your concept. Create a comprehensive logbook documenting your invention’s:

  • Purpose
  • Construction and operation specifics
  • Unique selling points
  • Potential modifications

Concept Prototyping

Transform your idea into a rough, visual representation that can help others understand your invention. This prototype doesn’t have to look professional; it could be as simple as a drawing or a 3D model.

Protecting Your Idea

For your protection, it’s essential to secure your intellectual property rights. Apply for a patent, which gives you exclusive rights to your invention.

InventHelp can guide you through the patenting process. They can offer advice on your patent application and help you navigate the complex patent registration process.

Creating a Formal Prototype

Engage a product designer, engineer, or another skilled professional to create a polished prototype of your invention. This prototype should be functional and intended for testing.

InventHelp can help by connecting you with prototyping professionals and providing resources for creating and refining your invention’s prototype.

Testing and Refining Your Prototype

Now that you have your working prototype, it’s time to test it. Use the feedback from your testing process to refine your design, fix flaws, and enhance functionality.

Manufacturing Your Invention

At this stage, search for a reliable manufacturer that can produce your invention at scale. Create a replicable manufacturing process, ensuring your invention can be mass-produced without compromising the quality or driving the cost excessively high.

InventHelp can assist you in identifying potential manufacturers or manufacturing partners through its extensive network and resources.

Marketing Strategy and Sales

Even the best inventions require a compelling marketing strategy to reach the target audience. Create a compelling product pitch, identify your target customers, and choose the platforms you’ll use to sell your invention.

InventHelp’s Invention Submission Services can help you pitch your invention to companies who may be interested in reviewing your idea. They also offer various resources for marketing your product, including press releases, social media campaigns, and marketing literature.

Funding Your Project

From patenting costs and prototype development to mass production, the path to inventing can be expensive. There are numerous avenues to secure funding, including crowdfunding platforms, attracting investors, or pursuing grants and loans.

InventHelp can guide you through the fundraising process and suggest funding options suitable for your invention and business strategy.

Taking Your Invention to Market

Once your invention is ready, it’s time to launch. Whether you’re selling online or physically, ensure you have a detailed and tested strategy that’ll guide the launch and sales process.

InventHelp can provide guidance on product launch strategies and offer tips for engaging and retaining customers.

Every inventor had the same question on their mind “How do I start my invention idea?” InventHelp provides all the tools and resources you need to get started. From free patent searches to a free, no-risk evaluation of your idea, InventHelp is here to help inventors everywhere bring their ideas to life.


Transforming an invention from idea to reality is a thrilling but challenging journey. Knowing the steps involved and working with a reliable invention service company like InventHelp can significantly increase your chances of success, leading to an invention that could not only prove financially rewarding but might also revolutionize its intended industry. The world might be eagerly waiting for your invention, so take the leap and start making.

Internet and Technology

How to Bring an Invention to Life

Bringing an invention to life can be a challenging and exciting process. It can also be a difficult one, especially if you don’t know where to look for help. The process of bringing an invention to life can seem like a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. Let’s see how to bring an invention to life and make the journey easier:

Refine Your Idea

Before you can bring your invention to life, you need to have a clear and refined idea. This means researching your idea, developing a prototype, and testing it to make sure it’s viable. It is highly recommended to get a professional invention company, such as InventHelp to help you with this step. They can provide you with the advice and guidance that you need to make sure that your idea is viable.

Protect Your Invention

Before you share your idea with anyone, it’s important to protect it. You can do this through patents, trademarks, or copyrights. Consult with InventHelp to determine the best approach for your specific invention.

Secure Funding

Bringing an invention to life requires resources, including funding. You can secure funding through investors, crowdfunding platforms, or grants. Develop a clear and compelling business plan to attract potential investors. InventHelp can help you to create a business plan that shows investors how your product will make money and what you’ll do with the funds.

Develop a Prototype

It’s time to develop a prototype. This is a crucial step in the process, as it allows you to refine your invention and identify any potential issues. InventHelp can help you to create a prototype.

Test Your Invention

Once you have a prototype, it’s time to test your invention. Get feedback from potential customers, friends, and family. Use their feedback to make any necessary improvements to your design.

Bring Your Invention to Market

Bring your invention to market. This can be done through licensing your invention to a company, starting your own business, or selling your invention outright. Consult with InventHelp to get the help you need to bring your invention to market.

For new inventors, the question that often comes up is “What do I do once I have an invention idea?“. Well, by following the steps above, you’ll be well on your way to creating a viable product and bringing it to market. If you’re looking for more information or want help getting started, contact InventHelp.

In Conclusion

Bringing an invention to life is a complex process that requires careful planning, execution, and resources. If you’re looking to bring your idea to life or just want some advice, contact InventHelp. This company has helped countless inventors get their ideas off the ground and into production.

Business Internet and Technology

Unlocking Your Genius: The Power of Invention and Assistance Companies

Imagine a world without the lightbulb, the smartphone, or even the humble wheel. These products of human ingenuity have shaped the course of history, transforming how people live, work, and communicate. Inventions, at their core, are novel ideas or creations that solve specific problems, providing new and improved ways of doing things. They are the catalysts for progress, driving humanity forward. And yet, the road to bringing an inventive idea to life can be fraught with obstacles. This is where invention assistance companies, like InventHelp, come in, offering a helping hand to turn your big idea into a reality.

What Is An Invention Idea?

An invention is a unique product, process, or technology developed through creativity and innovation. It can range from a simple household gadget to a groundbreaking scientific discovery. Inventions often stem from a need or an opportunity to make life better or more efficient. The most successful inventions are those that address a genuine problem and offer a compelling solution.

However, having a great idea is just the beginning. The journey from concept to market can be long and complex. This is where invention assistance companies, such as InventHelp play a crucial role. They provide a range of services designed to help inventors navigate the various stages of the invention process, including research, development, prototyping, patenting, marketing, and licensing, as explained on

How Can Invention Companies Help?

Here are some ways an invention assistance company can help bring your idea to life:

Research and Validation: Before investing time and resources into your invention, it’s essential to determine if it’s truly unique and viable. Invention assistance companies can conduct extensive market research, competitor analysis, and patent searches, ensuring your idea is original and has potential for success.

Intellectual Property Protection: Securing a patent can be a complicated and time-consuming process. Invention assistance companies can guide you through the patenting process, helping you draft a strong patent application, and even connecting you with experienced patent attorneys.

Prototyping and Product Development: Creating a working prototype is crucial for fine-tuning your invention and demonstrating its functionality to potential investors or licensees. Invention assistance companies can help you design and develop a prototype, offering valuable feedback and refining your idea along the way.

Marketing and Licensing: Once your invention is ready for the market, you need a solid marketing and licensing strategy to attract interest and generate revenue. Invention assistance companies can help you create compelling marketing materials, identify target markets, and negotiate licensing deals with manufacturers or distributors.

Funding and Resources: Securing funding for your invention can be a challenging task. Invention assistance companies can connect you with potential investors, grants, or crowdfunding platforms, ensuring you have the financial resources to bring your idea to fruition.

Companies like InventHelp are a great resource to help you secure funding for your invention. InventHelp has helped thousands of inventors bring their ideas to market, and they can help you do the same as you can see from this article.


Inventions have the power to change the world, but they often require expert guidance and support to reach their full potential. By partnering with an invention assistance company, you can tap into a wealth of knowledge and resources, helping you navigate the complex path from concept to market. So, if you have a brilliant idea waiting to be unleashed, consider seeking the help of professionals who can turn your vision into reality.

Business Internet and Technology

Bringing Your Invention Idea to Life

You have an amazing idea for an invention, but now what? Taking an idea from concept to reality can be a daunting task, but it is not impossible. Let’s see how to move forward with an invention idea? Here are the steps you can take to bring your invention idea to life.

Research and Analysis

The first step in bringing any invention idea to life is thorough research and analysis. You need to determine if your idea is original and if there is a market for it. You should also look at potential competitors and determine if your idea has any legal or regulatory hurdles to overcome.

One way to research your idea is to conduct a patent search. This will give you an idea of what has already been patented and may help you determine if your idea is novel. Additionally, you can conduct market research to determine if there is a demand for your product.

Creating a Prototype

Once you have determined that your idea is original and there is a market for it, the next step is to create a prototype. This will allow you to test your idea and make any necessary tweaks before moving on to the production phase.

Creating a prototype can be as simple as sketching your idea on paper or as complex as building a working model. The key is to create something that can be tested and refined.

Protect Your Idea

Before you move on to production, it is important to protect your idea. This may involve filing for a patent or trademark, depending on the nature of your invention.

A patent will give you exclusive rights to your invention, preventing others from copying or selling it without your permission. A trademark, on the other hand, will protect your brand name and logo.

Find Funding

Bringing an invention to life can be expensive, so finding funding is crucial. You may be able to fund your idea through savings, but most inventors will need to seek outside funding.

There are many options for funding, including grants, loans, and crowdfunding. You may also consider finding investors who are willing to fund your idea in exchange for a share of the profits.


Once you have funding in place, it is time to move on to production. This may involve finding a manufacturer to produce your product or building your own production facility.

During this phase, it is important to stay organized and keep track of all expenses. You will also need to ensure that your product meets all legal and regulatory requirements.

Professional Invention Companies Can Help

InventHelp is a leading professional invention company that has helped many clients realize their dreams. The company has been in business for over 30 years and works with inventors from all over the world. InventHelp offers a wide range of services, including product development and marketing assistance. You can rest assured that the details of your invention idea are safe and secure. InventHelp also offers valuable advice on how to get your invention patented and marketed. The company has helped thousands of clients realize their dreams, and it can help you too.


Bringing an invention idea to life can be a long and difficult process, but it is not impossible. By following these steps and staying focused on your goal, you can turn your idea into a reality. Remember to stay organized, protect your idea, and seek out funding and resources as needed. With persistence and hard work, you can make your invention a success.

Internet and Technology

New Inventions Can Change Our Technology

New inventions are a vital part of advancing technology, and can have an impact on the way we live and work.

What Is a New Invention?

A new invention is an idea, process, or device that has been created to fill a need or solve a problem. Inventions can range from a piece of technology, such as the internet, to a simple device like a pencil. They can also be a process or system, such as a new way of doing something. Inventions are made for both practical and recreational purposes.

How Can a New Invention Change Technology?

A new invention can change technology in many ways. It can introduce a new product or process that makes our lives easier. It can also lead to advances in existing technologies, such as new software that streamlines a process or an app that makes it easier to access information. New inventions can also open up new markets and create opportunities for businesses to explore.

The Benefits of New Inventions

New inventions can have a wide range of benefits, from increasing efficiency and productivity to creating new jobs and industries. They can also increase safety and quality of life, as well as reduce environmental impacts. Inventions can also have a positive effect on society, as they can make everyday tasks easier and reduce time spent on mundane tasks.

For example, the invention of the smartphone has made it possible for people to communicate instantly from anywhere in the world. This has changed how we interact with each other and reduced the need for face-to-face conversations.

Inventions can also improve the quality of life for people who are less fortunate. For example, a new invention may make it easier to provide food, water and medical care in areas with low resources. Inventors have also played an important role throughout history by making advances that have improved our lives.

Do you have an invention idea? If you have an invention idea that could make the world a better place, then you should think about patenting your idea. A patent is a legal document that gives you exclusive rights over the use of your invention for a certain period of time.


New inventions can have a significant effect on technology, providing us with new tools, processes, and opportunities. As technology continues to evolve and change, new inventions will continue to revolutionize the world. Whether it’s a device, a process, or a system, new inventions can help us reach new heights and make our lives easier.

Finance Internet and Technology

Cryptocurrency Portfolio Manager – The Key to Being One Step Ahead

The first thing that you will immediately discover about Cryptocurrency trading is that trading currencies can be a lot like riding a very daunting roller coaster. Sometimes you’re up and sometimes you’re down. When you’re up, returns can be exceptionally high, but in order to achieve this you must:

  • Be willing to invest a lot of your time and experience into the process.
  • Be well-informed at all times.
  • Have the ability to make decisions quickly.

These 3 things are vital if you intend to make any profitable trades.

Cryptocurrency Portfolio Manager

It is this need to make fast, well-informed decisions that has led to the invention of Cryptocurrency Portfolio Manager software. Crypto Portfolio helps investors keeping track of all their trading activities, gets updated news regularly, gives real time reports from CoinMarketCap Top 100 while at the same time helping them learn how to trade Cryptocurrency successfully. Cryptocurrency Portfolio Manager simplifies the task of tracking your cryptocurrency portfolio.


By using the analytical tools contained in the Cryptocurrency Portfolio Manager, you can determine which sort of trade will bring you the best profits and give you some idea of which direction to trade in. This significantly reduces the learning curve involved and for those starting out with cryptocurrencies.

Will prices go up or down?

With so many factors affecting the direction that cryptocurrency prices will trend in, the formula involved to accurately predict these trends is far too complex for the average crypto trader. It is for this reason that most successful cryptocurrency traders are using the analytics from the Cryptocurrency Portfolio Manager.

Is it compulsory to use software?

No. It is possible to trade without the use of Cryptocurrency Portfolio Manager and achieve great results. First, explore the trading history of various currencies. Once this data is collected, you will then need to analyse the data yourself. But be very careful, even the most experienced crypto traders will avoid this route. Why? Because more often than not, this method will result in greater losses in the long run.

Internet and Technology

WhatsApp Reborn Plus

The creator of the alternative application of WhatsApp, OSMDroid , seems to have no rest, because whenever WhatsApp launches an update he is forced to launch a new one to keep WhatsApp Reborn Plus fresh , application that today presents version in which different novelties and functions are included.

WhatsApp Reborn Plus

The most important news that has been seen in WhatsApp Plus Reborn is the inclusion of free voice calls, calls that do not need any type of activation or invitation to operate, it is activated from the beginning so that anyone can use of said function.

But there are other developments that we will mention below and that have been included in this new version :

  • New call interface for users
  • New themes were added to modify the appearance of the application
  • Added chat group statistics
  • Now previewing images and videos without downloading them has improved considerably
  • A small modification was made to the OSM Material Design.
  • Mod 1.4 is added, which makes it possible to make the chat screen transparent in a very simple way.
Internet and Technology

Samsung Galaxy S8 Features

The SGS8 he will be the first tablet – smartphone? Samsung could benefit from this real revolution to change the name of its king smartphone. Samsung could choose to change the name of the device: the Galaxy S8 should thus meet the sweet name of SG X, to better reflect its innovation. To propel its various screen sizes, and a 4K resolution, the new SG X presents the technical characteristics of choice, very similar to those expected with the Samsung Galaxy Note 6 (or Note 7 ). Thus, the Samsung Galaxy S8 is entitled to 6 GB of RAM, the next generation of Qualcomm processors – nicknamed Snapdragon 830 – and a chip ultra- powerful network, ten times faster than the first 4G smartphones. And packed with the brand new voice assistant called Bixby which is according to the Samsung Bixby review the best voice assistant in the market, even better than Siri.

SGS8: In the footsteps of Apple Apple’s iPhone 6S is the first smartphone to be equipped with the Force Touch technology. For the occasion, the Apple brand has renamed the system “3D Touch” It allows additional interactions with its terminal. The user can access various options by changing the pressure he applied on his screen. Samsung would integrate faster 3D Touch to its smartphones. The Galaxy Note 6 could be the first smartphone from the Korean to equip. Followed in 2017 the Galaxy S8. Galaxy S8: N Android and 3D Touch

The advantage of the S8 Galaxy Note 6 is that it is certain to be launched Android N. While Samsung is currently in talks with Google to try to do the same this summer with the Galaxy Note 6. but why such a craze for this version of the mobile OS? Android N would be able to natively support displays with 3D Touch technology. The Note 6 could then adopt the Force Touch. And Samsung does not deprive this innovation on its Galaxy S8.