Factors that decide the patentability of an invention
A patent lawyer is one who has the necessary qualifications to represent clients in matters pertaining to patents and patent laws. Patents are an important feature of intellectual property rights. They ensure that an individuals invention is not created, used, sold or distributed by another individual, without first obtaining the permission of the inventor. Thus, patents effectively prevent others from making any money off of the patent holders invention.
While finer aspects may vary from one country to another, patents generally grant certain exclusive rights to the creator of an invention. Consequently, the inventor can disclose his or her invention to the general public. In most countries, twenty years is the minimum duration of protection under a patent. Contrary to popular opinion, it is extremely hard to obtain a patent and it is all explained in details on https://www.reddit.com/r/TheBizHub/comments/an022v/inventhelp_client_invention_reviews/. Following are the major requirements that decide the patentability of a product.
- The invention should be eligible for protection under patent laws. Either the entire product or some part of it should be novel.
- The invention should not be an obvious one.
- It should be useful from an industrial point of view.
The primary step in obtaining a patent is to create an application in which the invention should be properly defined. Those who live in US can hire the services of a reputed patent attorney to create this application. Patent laws in the United States are extremely complicated. Furthermore, most people are not aware of the various procedures that go into filing a patent application.
When all these hurdles are taken into consideration, it makes sense to hire the services of a patent lawyer or a patent agency, like InventHelp. Unlike other areas of the law, patent law requires a separate license to practice. Thus, one should always ascertain that the patent attorney is licensed to practice in the region. This license is issued by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. The USPTO is also responsible for issuing patents.